Slide # 1

Native Bigfoot

From Couchiching to Yakima, Cherokee to Apache, each First Nations tribe offers a unique glimpse into their traditions on the subject of Bigfoot. Read More

Slide # 2

Bigfoot The Legend is Real

The Crypto Crew team uncover and document evidence of the elusive legend known as Bigfoot. Read More

Slide # 3

Who Said Apes Have No Tales!

Who Said Apes Have No Tales! is a collection of previously untold anecdotes from the filming of the original Planet of the Apes and three of its four sequels. Read More

Slide # 4

Manzo Shepherd Story

In April of 1942, three men hailed a taxi to take them to Virginia across Black Mountain, where they killed the taxi driver atop the highest peak. Read More

Slide # 5

Steeds Ridge

Guided by a local man, an investigative team heads deep into the woods near a small Alabama town to try to catch a rumored Sasquatch on film. Read More

Slide # 6

Searching for Sasquatch Series

Join Jason Kenzie as he and various guest search for evidence of Bigfoot. Read More

Slide # 7

The Tree Widow

Sarah, an older God fearing widow, opens her home to women only to discover their brokenness. Read More

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Improving Public Speaking Skills

Improving Public Speaking Skills

Improving public speaking skills is a process that involves practice, feedback, and the use of effective techniques. Here are some tips to help you improve your public speaking skills:

1. Know Your Material: Understand your topic thoroughly. This will help you speak confidently and answer any questions that may arise.

2. Practice: Rehearse your speech multiple times. This will help you become familiar with your material and improve your delivery.

3. Get Feedback: Practice your speech in front of others and ask for their feedback. This can provide valuable insights into areas you can improve.

4. Use Visual Aids: Visual aids can help illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged. Just make sure they don't distract from your message.

5. Engage with Your Audience: Make your speech interactive. Ask questions, encourage participation, and respond to feedback.

6. Work on Your Delivery: Pay attention to your voice modulation, pace, volume, and body language. These elements can significantly impact how your message is received.

7. Manage Your Nerves: Use relaxation techniques to calm your nerves before and during your speech. Deep breathing, visualization, and progressive muscle relaxation can be helpful.

8. Start Strong: The beginning of your speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation. Start with a strong opening to grab your audience's attention.

9. Keep It Simple: Don't overcomplicate your speech. Keep your message clear and concise to ensure your audience understands it. You don't necessarily have to use "big words" to make your points.

10. Continuous Learning: Attend public speaking workshops, read books, watch TED talks, or take online courses to learn from others and improve your skills.

Remember, public speaking is a skill that improves with practice. Don't be too hard on yourself if you make mistakes. Learn from them and keep improving. Some of these techniques, while geared at public speaking, may also be helpful in your on-stage or in front-of-camera acting.  

Good Luck!


More from Zombie Media
Available on Tubi TV - Watch for Free

Thursday, July 11, 2024

June Statistics & Announcements

June Statistics & Announcements

Here are some stats for the month of June. This is also a post where we make announcements. We are pushing toward summer and things are going well. We normally see a little drop-off this time of the year. 

Here is some information for May.

*Top Amazon Streaming RENTALS for the month:

*Top Overall Rentals of the month (includes all streaming services):

Some different titles showing up for the month.

*Top Digital Purchases of the month:

(This is the purchase of a film as a digital download.)

* Top Selling DVD:

* On Amazon our overall watch minutes took a big dip when compared to the previous month with only a little over 87 total watch hours.

* Top Books for the month:

#1 Who Said Apes Have No Tales! by Erlynn Botelho Carbajal & Dean Preston
#2 Dirt Road Tales of Horror by Dustin Grammer

* Top Kindle Page Reads:

#1 Cryptid Creatures The Truth Exposed by Sandra Rains DeBusk
#2 Understanding Bigfoot by Thomas Marcum

But Wait, There's More!

* Royalties paid to our clients!
* Check out the ZMP Online Store - (
* Watch FREE TV on ZMPtv (Changes have been made)
* Watch ZMPTV on Rumble! (Click Here)
* Watch movies first on ZMPVOD - Our video-on-demand service! New Lower Prices!
* Still looking to partner with companies!
* Still looking for new movies to distribute!
* Still looking for new books to publish!

!More Good News!

* We recently partnered with Dubby Energy! Use code: ZMP1 to get 10% off an order! The hope is to offer discounts and perks to clients and followers. 
* We gave a wider release to "Undisclosed Location" - A paranormal investigation short film that was filmed in a remote location in the mountains of Kentucky. Free to watch on YouTube now but hitting streaming services everywhere.
* We launched a series of posts aimed to help people become better actors and speakers. More posts in the series are on the way.  
* New Book Releases: Dirt Road Tales of Horror by Dustin Grammer
* We are Continuing Marketing Campaigns and encouraging creators to promote their work. For tips on how to market your creation, Click Here.
* Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel - Click Here! (We really need to pump the subs numbers up)
* Follow us on X (Twitter) - Click Here!
* New Books and films in the process of being released. More good things coming in 2024!
** Still looking to Sign, Publish, and distribute books and films ..even short films and music videos! Contact us!!

Wholesale Pricing to Stores
We also offer wholesale pricing to bookstores, gift shops, and retail outlets. There has been some nice growth for ZMP in this section of our business. Anyone wishing to add any or all of our products to your retail shop, feel free to contact us via the contact form.

With the recent changes at Tubi (read here) everyone's revenue has taken a slight hit. We plan to offset some of this with marketing. We believe that additional streaming services will rise to the occasion and contribute to compensating filmmakers for this loss of income. We also encourage all filmmakers and authors to self-promote. 

Thanks for the support and for making 2024 a solid year, so far. 


More from ZMP
Available on Tubi TV - Watch for Free

First Sight, Now on Tubi TV

Special Sponsor

Monday, July 1, 2024

Undisclosed Location (Update)

Undisclosed Location (Update)

This short-run documentary is heading to streaming services everywhere!!

After having a successful soft launch on YouTube, Zombie Media has decided to make the short documentary available to streaming services. 

We are also excited to announce that there is an Undisclosed Location part 2 that has already been filmed! This follow-up should be out by the end of the year. We are expecting it to be full-length and include a much deeper investigation. 

So for now, be on the lookout for Mysteries Unlimited Presents Undisclosed Location on various streaming services soon.

Undisclosed Location plot summary:
Join TCC Research team as they investigate a remote location deep in the mountains of Kentucky that is said to be the home of paranormal activity. Reports of deaths, a mysterious old graveyard, sightings of a lady in a white dress, and other reports are attached to the property.
Featuring: Tony Felosi, Darla Saylor Jackson, Jeffnifer Fugate, Bonnie Schwab, Thomas Marcum, and JB.

Official Trailer

Thanks to all our supporters!


More from Zombie Media!

Monday, June 17, 2024

Relaxation Techniques to Calm Nerves

Relaxation Techniques to Calm Nerves

Sometimes speakers and performers get a little nervous before making a speech or walking on stage in front of an audience or camera.

Here are some relaxation techniques that can help calm your nerves before going on stage or speaking:

1. Deep Breathing: Deep breathing can help slow your heart rate and lower your blood pressure, reducing feelings of anxiety. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four.

2. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This involves tensing and then releasing different muscle groups in your body. Start with your toes and work your way up to your head. As you release the tension, you'll start to feel more relaxed.

3. Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine a place or situation that makes you feel calm and happy. Visualizing success can also help boost your confidence.

4. Mindfulness Meditation: Focus on the present moment without judgment. Pay attention to your breath, the sensations in your body, or the sounds around you. This can help clear your mind and reduce anxiety.

5. Yoga and Stretching: These physical activities can help reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. Even a few simple stretches can make a difference.

6. Positive Affirmations: Repeat positive statements to yourself, such as "I am calm and confident". This can help change your mindset and reduce negative thoughts.

You might also want to read "Tips to Help You Stay Calm" - Click Here.

Remember, it's normal to feel nervous before going on stage or giving a speech. These techniques can help, but it's also important to be well-prepared and to practice regularly. 

Good Luck and You can do it!


More from Zombie Media
First Sight, Now on Tubi TV

Check out our Partner!
Dubby! Click the banner and use the code!

Saturday, June 8, 2024

May Statistics & Announcements

May Statistics & Announcements

Here are some stats for the month of May. This is also a post where we make announcements. We are pushing toward summer and things are going well. We normally see a little drop-off this time of the year. 

Here is some information for May.

*Top Amazon Streaming RENTALS for the month:

*Top Overall Rentals of the month (includes all streaming services):

#1 Searching for Sasquatch 10: The Minnesota Roars

Some different titles showing up for the month.

*Top Digital Purchases of the month:

(This is the purchase of a film as a digital download.)

* Top Selling DVDs:

* On Amazon our overall watch minutes were up compared to the previous month with over 149 total hours watched.

* Top Books for the month:

#1 Who Said Apes Have No Tales! by Erlynn Botelho Carbajal & Dean Preston
#2 Black Mountain Monsters by Darla Saylor Jackson & Tony Felosi

* Top Kindle Page Reads:

#1 Cryptid Creatures The Truth Exposed by Sandra Rains DeBusk
#2 Secret War by Sandra Rains DeBusk

* Top Performing Audio Books:

No sales in May

* Royalties paid to our clients!
* More updates to the ZMP Online Store - (
* Watch FREE TV on ZMPtv (Changes have been made)
* Watch movies first on ZMPVOD - Our video-on-demand service! New Lower Prices!

!More Good News!

* We have partnered with Dubby Energy! Use code: ZMP1 to get 10% off an order! The hope is to offer discounts and perks to clients and followers. 
* We released "Undisclosed Location" - A paranormal investigation short film that was filmed in a remote location in the mountains of Kentucky. Free to watch on YouTube.
* We launched a series of posts aimed to help people become better actors and speakers. More posts in the series are on the way.  
* New Book Releases: None but some are on the way
* We are Continuing Marketing Campaigns and encouraging creators to promote their work. For tips on how to market your creation, Click Here.
* Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel - Click Here! (We really need to pump the subs numbers up)
* Follow us on X (Twitter) - Click Here!
* New Books and films in the process of being released. More good things coming in 2024!
** Still looking to Sign, Publish, and distribute books and films ..even short films and music videos! Contact us!!

We also offer wholesale pricing to bookstores, gift shops, and retail outlets. There has been some nice growth for ZMP in this section of our business. Anyone wishing to add any or all of our products to your retail shop, feel free to contact us via the contact form.

With the recent changes at Tubi (read here) everyone's revenue has taken a slight hit. We plan to offset some of this with marketing. We believe that additional streaming services will rise to the occasion and contribute to compensating filmmakers for this loss of income. We also encourage all filmmakers and authors to self-promote. 

Thanks for the support and for making 2024 a solid year, so far. 


Watch Undisclosed Location

More from ZMP


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

How to become a better Onscreen Actor

How to become a better Onscreen Actor

We all want to do our best and be our best onscreen.

Becoming a better on-screen actor involves a combination of training, practice, and personal development. 

Here are some tips:

1. Take Acting Classes: Formal training provides a foundation to build upon through learned techniques, constructive feedback, and experience in scene work. We also understand that not everyone has access to these types of classes so lean on some of the other tips.  

2. Learn to Take Direction: Being able to take adjustments and notes from directors or acting coaches is critical for actors to improve. Be teachable. 

3. Create Detailed Character Backgrounds: Fleshing out a character’s full backstory beyond what’s in the script provides richer subtext and informs performance choices.

4. Analyze Scripts Thoroughly: Understanding the subtext - meaning beneath the surface of the words - is vital for connecting with a character’s motivations.

5. Develop a Unique Acting Personality: Find your acting type and then lean into it. Strive to become more charismatic, develop an artistic persona, and maybe even come up with a stage name.

6. Observe Other People and Great Actors: Deconstruct your favorite actors' habits. How do they use their bodies? What facial expressions do they use effectively? Practice these gestures and expressions. This is a great alternative for those who may not have access to acting classes. 

7. Read Scripts: Read the scripts of your favorite plays and movies. Familiarize yourself with the classics, like Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, Anton Chekov, and Tennessee Williams.

8. Develop Audition Material: Some auditions will require you to read from a pre-selected piece or a portion of the script that will be used in the show.

9. Watch as Much as Possible and Have a Life Outside of Acting: This will help you bring more life experiences to your roles.

Remember, acting is a lifelong journey of learning and discovery rather than a destination. It takes time and patience to grow and develop as an actor. Good luck!


More From Zombie Media

Friday, May 24, 2024

Tips to Help You Stay Calm

Tips to Help You Stay Calm

Staying calm while giving a speech or performing in front of cameras is very important to deliver a good message or performance.

Here are some tips to help you stay calm when you're in front of a camera or giving a speech:

1. Practice: The more you practice, the more comfortable you'll become. Try practicing in front of a mirror or record yourself and watch it back.

2. Prepare: Know your material inside and out. The better prepared you are, the less nervous you'll be.

3. Breathe: Deep, controlled breathing can help calm your nerves. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four.

4. Visualize Success: Imagine yourself delivering your lines perfectly and confidently. Visualization can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence.

5. Body Language: Stand or sit up straight, make eye contact with the camera or audience, and remember to smile. Good body language can help you appear more confident, even if you're feeling nervous.

6. Take Your Time: Don't rush through your lines. Speak slowly and clearly, and take pauses when needed.

7. Stay Hydrated: Dry mouth is a common symptom of nervousness. Drink plenty of water before you start filming to avoid this.

8. Warm Up: Just like athletes warm up before a game, warming up your voice and body before filming can help reduce tension and nervousness.

Remember, it's completely normal to feel nervous in front of a camera or audience. With time and practice, you'll start to feel more comfortable. Good luck! 

One of our goals at Zombie Media is to help people become better actors, speakers, and presenters even if you are not one of our clients. Of course, we hope you become a client but in the end, we want to be helpful to the community.


More Zombie Media releases

Available on Tubi TV - Watch for Free

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Overcoming Stage Fright

Overcoming Stage Fright

Stage Fright is something that almost every actor or public speaker has experienced at one time or another. 

Stage Fright is also sometimes called performance anxiety. It is the feeling of fear many feel before going on stage in front of an audience. You can also get this feeling in front of movie cameras or before a presentation.  

One of our goals at Zombie Media is to help people become better actors, speakers, and presenters even if you are not one of our clients. Of course, we hope you become a client but in the end, we want to be helpful to the community. With that said, here are some tips for overcoming stage fright.

Stage Fright is a challenge for many people. Here are some strategies that might help:

1. Understand Your Fear: Recognize that stage fright is a common phenomenon. It's a natural response to a perceived threat, in this case, the fear of making a mistake or being judged.

2. Preparation and Practice: The more familiar you are with your material and the more you practice, the more confident you'll feel.

3. Positive Visualization: Visualize yourself delivering a successful speech or performance. This can help reduce anxiety and increase confidence.

4. Deep Breathing: Deep, controlled breathing can help calm your nerves. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four.

5. Exercise and Move Your Body: Physical activity releases endorphins, which can boost your mood and confidence.

6. Watch a Funny Video: Laughter can help you relax and reduce anxiety.

7. Take Time to Relax: Techniques like meditation and deep breathing exercises can help ease tension and calm your mind.

8. Shake Out Your Jitters: Physical movement can help release built-up tension. Try shaking your arms and legs, or doing a quick physical warm-up before you go on stage. You have probably seen performers do this before. 

9. Turn Negative Thoughts into Positive Ones: Replace self-destructive statements with positive affirmations.

10. Remember, It's Not About You: Focus on the message you're delivering and the value it provides to the audience, rather than worrying about your own performance.

Remember, overcoming stage fright takes time and practice. Be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress. Over time you will become better and have less stage fright. 

We hope you find this information helpful.

Good luck!


More Zombie Media releases