August Statistics & Announcements
Here are some stats for the month of August. This is also a post where we make announcements. We are heading into fall and things are going well. We normally see a little uptick this time of the year.
Here is some information for August.
*Top Amazon Streaming RENTALS for the month:
*Top Overall Rentals of the month (includes all streaming services):
Some different titles showing up for the month.
*Top Digital Purchases of the month:
(This is the purchase of a film as a digital download.)
* Top Selling DVD:
(DVD Sales bounced back a little)
* On Amazon our overall watch minutes had a small uptick when compared to the previous month with only a little over 69 total watch hours.
* Top Books for the month:#1
Who Said Apes Have No Tales! by Erlynn Botelho Carbajal & Dean Preston
* Top Kindle Page Reads:
But Wait, There's More!
* Royalties paid to our clients!
* Check out the ZMP Online Store - (
* Watch FREE TV on
ZMPtv (Changes have been made)
* Watch ZMPTV on Rumble! (
Click Here)
* Watch movies first on
ZMPVOD - Our video-on-demand service! New Lower Prices!
* Still looking to partner with companies!
* Still looking for new movies to distribute!
* Still looking for new books to publish!
!More Good News!* We recently partnered with
Dubby Energy! Use code:
ZMP1 to get 10% off an order! The hope is to offer discounts and perks to clients and followers.
* The Roku Channel recently picked up 12 more of our titles!
* We launched a series of posts aimed to help people become better actors and speakers. More posts in the series are on the way.
* New Books in the process of being released.
* We are Continuing Marketing Campaigns and encouraging creators to promote their work. For tips on how to market your creation,
Click Here.
* Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel -
Click Here! (We really need to pump the subs numbers up)
* Follow us on X (Twitter) -
Click Here!* New Books and films in the process of being released. More good things coming in 2024!
** Still looking to Sign, Publish, and distribute books and films ..even short films and music videos!
Contact us!!
** We made it easier to get your film looked at for possible distribution. Simply fill out the form on the
Distribute page.
Wholesale Pricing to StoresWe also offer wholesale pricing to bookstores, gift shops, and retail outlets. There has been some nice growth for ZMP in this section of our business. Anyone wishing to add any or all of our products to your retail shop, feel free to contact us via the
contact form.
With the recent changes at Tubi (
read here) everyone's revenue has taken a slight hit. We plan to offset some of this with marketing. We believe that additional streaming services will rise to the occasion and contribute to compensating filmmakers for this loss of income. We also encourage all filmmakers and authors to self-promote.
Thanks for the support.
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