Goodbye 2022, Hello 2023
The year 2022 is behind us and it is on to 2023. First we would like to thank all our supporters and clients for making last year great! Our small company saw growth into new and exciting streaming arenas.
Many of our independent filmmakers saw their films land on numerous streaming services that resulted in some great growth. The gain in exposure will help them make more films in the future.
Our authors also did well and got their books into the hands of many new customers and fans. We had some good growth in the Audiobook area as well.
Once again, lets us say, we are grateful and appreciative of our clients and all those who support them and us. This makes the dream all possible and we are always happy with our clients have success.
With that said, let us look ahead at some projects that will be releasing in 2023!
The Lost Soul -
Mike Williams is a town legend and Star athlete for the Norwood
Indians. After sustaining a horrible injury. Mike now finds himself in
full-blown addiction to painkillers. They are his newfound joy. But only
weeks later, Mike finds himself on a rooftop in his hometown. His
addiction has become life-threatening. Mike eventually finds himself in a
gun battle with the local Police force. Will Mike give up before it is
too late? Or will he fight to the death?

That Gut Feeling -
Did you ever get that gut feeling that something wasn't right? That something was going on?
This is normally a sign that indeed, something is going on.
What happens to those who write and expose possible cover-ups? Could they become the subjects of secret government surveillance?
Would this secret agency aggravate and torment individuals in order to keep the secrets hidden?
This is one story that might explain it all.
One's Wicked Ways - RELEASES IN 2023
Bigfoot and Stellar Jay Title - RELEASES IN 2023
Shadow House: 40 Years of Terror - Follow along as we tell the story of the Perkins family, who have been plagued by shadow men and the paranormal for many years. Watch as paranormal investigators attempt to document the activity in the home, and get more than they bargained for.
Searching For Sasquatch 7: The Night Stalkers -
Jason Kenzie joins the Bigfoot group T.A.A.P.S. (Texas Acknowledgement, Awareness, & Preservation of Sasquatch). They journey deep into the Colorado Rockies searching for evidence of these reclusive cryptids.
The team makes the most of daylight by looking for tree breaks, footprints, and other signs of Bigfoot. Soon night falls around them. In the darkness of the forest, the group realizes they are being stalked by unknown creatures watching them from the darkness. Official Trailer -
Click Here.
Bigfoot: The Legend is Real 2 -
A follow up to the very popular part 1. More never before heard interviews, and exciting field work. Box art is not final art.
Return to Portal 31 - Investigators return to the haunted coal mine.
Bazaar Encounters 2 - Further investigation into a haunted resale shop.
Bigfoot Witness: The Leo Frank Story - The story of how Leo became a bigfoot researcher and more.
Return to Benham Theater - Further investigation into the beautiful and historic theater.
This is but a few of the project we will be working on, talking about, and hopefully be releasing in 2023.
We are also looking for new clients and are always happy to welcome new filmmakers, and authors to the ZMP family. Don't hesitate to reach out to us.
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