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Native Bigfoot

From Couchiching to Yakima, Cherokee to Apache, each First Nations tribe offers a unique glimpse into their traditions on the subject of Bigfoot. Read More

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Bigfoot The Legend is Real

The Crypto Crew team uncover and document evidence of the elusive legend known as Bigfoot. Read More

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Who Said Apes Have No Tales!

Who Said Apes Have No Tales! is a collection of previously untold anecdotes from the filming of the original Planet of the Apes and three of its four sequels. Read More

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Manzo Shepherd Story

In April of 1942, three men hailed a taxi to take them to Virginia across Black Mountain, where they killed the taxi driver atop the highest peak. Read More

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Steeds Ridge

Guided by a local man, an investigative team heads deep into the woods near a small Alabama town to try to catch a rumored Sasquatch on film. Read More

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Searching for Sasquatch Series

Join Jason Kenzie as he and various guest search for evidence of Bigfoot. Read More

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The Tree Widow

Sarah, an older God fearing widow, opens her home to women only to discover their brokenness. Read More

Friday, January 28, 2022

Searching for Sasquatch 4: Eyes in the night

Searching for Sasquatch 4: Eyes in the night
Coming soon chapter 4 in the exciting Searching for Sasquatch series!
Journey with Jason Kenzie as he goes deeper into the wilderness of Michigan with a group of Bigfoot researchers searching for evidence of the Big hairy creatures. Learn tracking skills from Robert Kryder, hear strange gibberish that can't be explained, glowing eyes and much more!
Official Trailer

The Searching for Sasquatch series of films have won numerous film festival awards and parts 1 and 2 are available on numerous streaming services. 

Parts 3 and 4 of Searching for Sasquatch features a large cast, some of which are very well known and recognized people in the field of cryptozoology. It is an exciting and entertaining series of films you are sure to love.

Searching for Sasquatch parts 1 and 2 are available on DVD in our store.  The new films will be making their way to DVD in the near future.


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Loving Bigfoot: A Romance by Sandra Rains DeBusk

 Loving Bigfoot: A Romance by Sandra Rains DeBusk

Available now from Zombie Media Publishing and author Sandra Rains DeBusk.

Grace loved her home long before they bought it. Her home included sixty-five acres of mostly woods, and Grace was so glad to be back in the country and to be back in her grandparents’ home where she had grown up for almost all her childhood. Her husband Mike, a forty-two-year-old truck driver, didn’t care for it but it enabled him to do what he did without worrying about Grace. He also knew that the place had natural spring water piped into the house so… no more water bills. Grace had memories from her childhood in this place. The knocks on her bedroom window late at night. The gifts; small toys, pretty stones, handmade tools; left by something, on the front steps for her whenever she stayed with her grandparents. This place held a lot of good memories for her and even though her marriage was falling apart, getting this place was all she needed, and it made her feel whole again. Not once did she ever know who it was that had left her little gifts as a child, but now, she knows that it was never a who but a what, and that should terrify her but, it doesn’t.

Available on Amazon in eBook, paperback and coming soon in hardcover. Pick up your copy today!


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Saturday, January 22, 2022

Wickedness by Jeffrey David Lilly, jr


Wickedness by Jeffrey David Lilly, jr

Another new release from Zombie Media publishing!

From author Jeffrey David Lilly,jr comes his latest book Wickedness. This books dives deep into Jeffrey's personal life from his youth into adulthood. It is filled with the many twist,turns, tragedies and triumphs.

Back of the Cover -   It's hard to imagine that one person could afflict so much damage to a person’s soul. I grew up being tortured brutally on a daily basis. It was a tough time.
Our family always seemed to struggle and sometimes we didn't even have food to eat.
Even going to school with clean clothes was a privilege for us.
Things were bad....real bad...but that is only part of my story.

The book is available on Amazon in Ebook and Paperback form.



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Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Left by Sandra Rains DeBusk


Left by Sandra Rains DeBusk

Now available from Zombie Media Publishing, Left by Sandra Rains DeBusk. Left is the follow up book to Shelter and continues the story.

After what seemed like an eternity of torture, a lone man, knowing the half-blood alien, Yaydow knew, defeated the aliens and the main ship left earth with a well abided supply of meat.
Rulictar, because of his cruelty and his adamant attempt to harm humans that Yaydow himself deemed worthy of saving, was left and others like him, on earth to survive.

Left is available in Ebook and a Collector's edition hardcover that features additional artwork on the cover. Paperback version coming soon.

Aliens, invasions, survival and drama that is out of this world are in store for readers of this fantastic tale.


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Monday, January 17, 2022

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Book Getting Noticed

Ivory-Billed Woodpecker Book Getting Noticed

Guy Luneau's book, The Ivory-billed Woodpecker:Taunting Extinction: Survival in the Modern Era has recently been getting noticed by several bird watching and wildlife publications. Luneau's book offers proof that the ivory billed woodpecker is still surviving in our world today.

The ivorybill was considered by many to have gone extinct on the North American continent as far back as the early 1900’s. Yet it was “rediscovered”. The bird was recently, once again, declared extinct but some persistence  from Luneau has brought some attention to the subject once again.

Luneau's book is published by Zombie Media publishing and while we have marketed the book nationally via social media, our ties to the birding community is limited. This is where author Guy Luneau, being a lifelong birder, excels. He started a "grassroots" style marketing campaign by contacting bird watching magazines and wildlife agencies in numerous states to alert them about his book. While not all parties have responded (yet) some were eager to hear about the book and the good news that indeed the Ivory-billed is not extinct. Reaching out to some of the most popular bird watching magazines has proven to be somewhat successful.

"Birdwatcher's Digest" recently mentioned the Ivory Billed book in a recent issue. This blurb was in the "From The Editor" section that is featured on the first few pages of the magazine.
"Birdwatching" magazine also mentioned Luneau's book a couple months ago in an issue.

In the Jan/Feb issue of Arkansas Wildlife magazine Luneau's book cover, along with his letter are in the magazine. Which only seems fitting seeing as Luneau is an Arkansan himself.
There is hope that other publications fall in with support as the book contains definitive evidence that the Ivory-Billed is still with us.

ZMP and Luneau appreciate the support shown so far from these publications but also credit "word of mouth" advertising for helping create a buzz around the book.


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Monday, January 10, 2022

Searching for Sasquatch Chapter 3


Searching for Sasquatch Chapter 3
Coming soon from Zombie Media Publishing, the worldwide release of Searching for Sasquatch Chapter 3, parts 1 and 2.
Building on the success of Searching for Sasquatch chapters 1 and 2, Jason Kenzie continues his quest for answers and evidence of sasquatch.
In fact, Jason's films have won several awards.
Winner: Best Documentary
Special Mention Award: Best International Short Film for Searching for Sasquatch chapter one The Crossing.
Now, Chapter 3 is about to be unleashed for your viewing pleasure. 
Wildlife expert and photojournalist Jason Kenzie journeys deep into the Michigan forests with a band of Bigfoot researchers searching for any evidence of the legendary creature known as Sasquatch.
In Chapter 3, Jason and a group Bigfoot researchers are caught off guard by how much activity goes on around them including Screams, whoops, tree knocks, and strange talking.
Chapter 3's adventure was so large it was broken down into 2 separate films (parts 1 & 2)
Here is a trailer for the films. 

Jason Kenzie has a screen presence that is very warm and inviting, but he also has the outdoors experience to understand the dangers of wildlife and the mountains. As he pushes deeper into forest area the evidence of Sasquatch is mounting up.

Be sure to be on the lookout for Searching for Sasquatch Chapter 3 (parts 1 & 2) coming Soon!



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Shelter by Sandra Rains DeBusk


Shelter by Sandra Rains DeBusk

Zombie Media is pleased to announe the release of Shelter by Sandra Rains DeBusk. 

Here is the plotline for Shelter:

Aliens have landed in Ohio. Vicious flesh-eating aliens. They have come to harvest human meat for their planet. It's a free for all when they first land, because humans were not prepared. The aliens brought acid rain with them. It makes it so much easier for them by removing the flesh from humans. Civilization must now watch for the impending rain, or they'll never make it to safety, and will become meals for the aliens.

Shelter is available in Ebook, Paperback and a collectors Hardcover Edition.

The Hardcover edition has slight different artwork that features some additional graphics not found in the other editions.

Shelter is currently available on Amazon - Click Here

Shelter continues the growing line of books from author Sandra Rains DeBusk. 




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Monday, January 3, 2022

December Statistics & Announcements

 December Statistics & Announcements

Its the final stats of 2021, the time were we look back at the previous month and see how it all went. And this is normally the post where we announce some new things. This year is over and overall it has been a nice year of growth for ZMP. While some months sales figures where not what they were in past years, they were still solid.

 Here is some information for the month of December.

* Top Amazon Streaming rental for the month: Bigfoot: The Legend is Real with over 120 watch hours!!! wow!!!! (
*Top Overall Rental of the month - was once again Bigfoot: The Legend is Real! The film continues to perform well, thank you. (on Tubi TV) The film has also found its way to numerous streaming services.
* On Amazon our overall watch minutes were up a little when compared to previous month. The numbers on Amazon are down due to Prime becoming a curated service and due to films appearing on numerous other streaming services.

* Top Selling DVDs:
* Top Books for the month: 
#2 Sasquatch Family Ties by Leo Frank 
#3 Cryptid Creatures The Truth Exposed by Sandra Rains DeBusk

* Royalties Paid out to our clients! The pay window is shorter now, so payments are made sooner.
* We have films in 94 countries!!!!! An increase by 2
* New streaming services who picked up some of our films: Typhoon
* More updates to the ZMP Online Store - (
* Sign up to our streaming service for $3.99 a month (
* New Books Released - There were 3 new books released by ZMP in the month of Dec.
* New Market Added - Many of our published books have been added to Barnes and Noble!
* Audio Books Released - 
* New Books & Films in the process of being released. More good things coming!
* Formation of ZMP Studios (More on this later)
** Still looking to Sign, Publish and distribute your books and films ..even short films and music videos! Contact us!!
We also offer wholesale pricing to book stores, gift shops and retail outlets. There has been some nice growth for ZMP in this section of our business. Anyone wishing to add any or all of our products to your retail shop, feel free to contact us via the contact form.
As 2021 is now over we are looking and expecting big things in the new year.
There are a lot of cool things in the pipe that we just can't talk about stay tuned!

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