Here is some information for the month of December.
#1 Bigfoot: The Legend is Real
#2 Searching For Sasquatch 6: What Lurks in the Darkness
#3 Searching For Sasquatch 4: Eyes in the Night
#2 Bigfoot: The Legend is Real
#3 Bigfoot Witness: The Jason Morse Story
#1 Bigfoot: The Legend is Real
#2 Bigfoot Witness: The Jason Morse Story
#3 Ghost of Portal 31
This is purchases of a film as a digital download.
#1 Bigfoot Witness
#2 Bigfoot: The Legend is Real
#3 Bigfoot: Tracking a Legend
#1 The Ivory-billed Woodpecker: Taunting Extinction by Guy G. Luneau
#2 Sasquatch Family Ties by Leo Frank
#3 Ghost of Portal 31 by Darla Saylor Jackson & Tony Felosi
#1 Sasquatch Family Ties by Leo Frank
#2 Secret War by Sandra Rains DeBusk
#3 Cryptid Creatures The Truth Exposed by Sandra Rains Debusk
The Road to Leadville by Jason Morse, narrated by Duke Butler
* We have films in 129 countries!!!!! An overall increase of 15 over the last month.
* More updates to the ZMP Online Store - (
* Sign up for our streaming service for $3.99 a month (
* New Audio Books in Production: Currently have 1 in production. We are finding out that many narrators just are not dependable to complete the jobs. These audiobooks are in limbo at the moment. We hope for better success with narrators in 2023
* New Books, films, and audiobooks are on the way. 2023 is going to ROCK!
* New streaming services that carry or will be carrying our films. We have seen an explosion in growth and are reaching many new platforms:
Jour Network - is a media television network showcasing human interest documentaries, films, and episodic series that inspire personal and global action.
There have been even more streaming services that have picked up our films than listed. We want to thank them all and welcome them to ZMP.
* We are Continuing Marketing Campaigns and encouraging creators to promote their work.
* Make sure to subscribe to our Youtube Channel - Click Here!
* New Books & Films in the process of being released. More good things coming!
** Still looking to Sign, Publish and distribute books and films ..even short films and music videos! Contact us!!
We also offer wholesale pricing to bookstores, gift shops, and retail outlets. There has been some nice growth for ZMP in this section of our business. Anyone wishing to add any or all of our products to your retail shop, feel free to contact us via the contact form.
There are a lot of cool things in the pipe that we just can't talk about stay tuned!
Thanks for the support and please help us make 2023 our best year ever!

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